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Personal Insurance Renewal Checklist
Personal Insurance Renewal Checklist
This form should be used to manage the renewal review process for personal insurance clients.
What is the client's first name?
What is the client's first name?
What is the client's last name?
What is the client's last name?
Who is conducting this review?
Who is conducting this review?
Please select the actions to be completed for this client's renewal.
Please select the actions to be completed for this client's renewal.
Renewal Questionnaire
Talk with Underwriter About Cost Savings
Obtain Endorsement Quotes
Provide Risk Management Suggestions
Year over Year Premium Comparison
Schedule Renewal Review Meeting
Prepare Insurance Summary
What date should this renewal checklist be completed?
What date should this renewal checklist be completed?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Renewal Questionnaire
Enter renewal questionnaire instructions and details:
Enter renewal questionnaire instructions and details:
Talk with Underwriter About Cost Savings
Enter cost savings ideas and details:
Enter cost savings ideas and details:
Obtain Endorsement Quotes
Enter the endorsements to quote:
Enter the endorsements to quote:
Enter the endorsement quotes below.
Enter the endorsement quotes below.
Endorsement Description
Pro-rated Premium (+/-)
Annualized Premium (+/-)
Provide Risk Management Suggestions
Enter risk management instructions and details for this task:
Enter risk management instructions and details for this task:
Enter risk management suggestion quotes:
Enter risk management suggestion quotes:
Pro-rated premium (+/-)
Annualized premium (+/-)
Year over Year Premium Comparison
Enter instructions for this premium comparison:
Enter instructions for this premium comparison:
Schedule Renewal Review Meeting
Enter scheduling instructions:
Enter scheduling instructions:
Prepare Insurance Summary
Enter special instructions for the insurance summary below.
Enter special instructions for the insurance summary below.
Enter specific instructions for the remarketing process.
Enter specific instructions for the remarketing process.
What else is needed for this renewal review?
What else is needed for this renewal review?
Renewal Review Results
Enter the results of this renewal review.
Enter the results of this renewal review.
Is this renewal review complete?
Is this renewal review complete? (Click "Save and Continue" to allow team members to edit this form.)
Stacey Richard
(603) 515-2324
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