Contact Information
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What is your email address? *
What is your phone number? *
What is your role at the apartment building?
Please describe your role at the apartment building.
Are you the person to contact to schedule and conduct an inspection of the premises?
What is the full name of the inspection contact?
What is the phone number for the inspection contact?
What is the email address for the inspection contact?
Are you the person to contact to conduct a policy audit at renewal?
What is the full name of the audit contact?
What is the phone number for the audit contact?
What is the email address for the audit contact?
Apartment Building Overview
What is the full legal name of the applicant for this insurance? *
Does the apartment building have another name? (ie. DBA)
What other name does the apartment building operate under?
What is the mailing address for the apartment building? *
Is the physical location address the same as the mailing address? *
What is the main physical location address for the apartment building? *
How many years has the Applicant/Named Insured owned the property?
What is the apartment building's website address? (Must begin with http://)
Which legal entity type was the apartment building formed under? *
Please enter the apartment building's legal entity type. *
Does the applicant/named insured manage the property?
Is there a manager/superintendent living on premises?
How often is the property inspected by the owner?
Does the Applicant/Named Insured hire a Property Manager to manage the property?
What is the name of the Property Manager?
Does the Property Manager hold the Applicant/Named Insured harmless in the Contractual Agreement?
What limits of insurance does the Property Manager purchase?
How often is the Property Manager on the premises?
Are units available for daily or weekly rentals?
What year was the apartment building built?
How many buildings are there on the property?
What is the total square footage of the building?
How many stories does the apartment building have?
How many families can the apartment building accommodate?
How much of the building is currently occupied?
Are leases signed with all tenants?
Are tenants required to obtain insurance?
Is there a minimum age requirement for renting the units?
What is the minimum age?
Is there an elevator on premises?
Is an elevator maintenance agreement in force?
Select the infrastructure elements of the building that have been updated. *
What other updates have been done to your home?
What year was the roof updated?
Please provide details of any updates made to the roof?
What year was the wiring updated?
Please provide details of any updates made to the wiring?
What year was the plumbing updated?
What year was the HVAC system updated?
What year were the windows updated?
What type of roof does the building have?
What type of heating system does the building have?
Where is the oil tank located?
Does the building have aluminum wiring?
Have all outlets been pigtailed and checked by a licensed electrical contractor within the past five years?
Does the property have any garages?
How many garages does the property have?
Where are the garages located?
How many stalls do the outside garages have?
What is the square footage of the underground garage?
Please select the word the best describes the condition of the property.
Please select the word the best describes the area surrounding the property.
Please provide the occupancy percentages for each of the following types of tenants.
Building Security
Are there security guards on the premises?
Are the security guards armed?
Are the security guards off-duty police officers?
Are the security guards contracted from an independent firm or employees?
Does the independent firm provide certificates of insurance?
Is there any non-cash compensation for security guards?
What type of security is provided onsite? (Check all that apply)
Are there fences and/or gates surrounding the property?
Are criminal checks done on employees?
Are criminal checks done on prospective tenents?
Have there been any previous incidents of physical or sexual assault?
Fire/Safety Information
Are space heaters utilized or are tenants permitted to have space heaters?
Are the hallways/stairways open or closed?
How many exits does the apartment building have?
How many elevators does the building have?
Are all entrances to the building locked at all times?
Does the building have fire doors?
Does the building have panic hardware?
Is there a central station?
Is the central station a monitored desk?
Please select the power supply for heat/smoke detectors in each unit?
Please select the power supply for heat/smoke detectors in the common areas?
Are all parking areas and common areas automatically lit at night?
How often are detectors tested?
How often are detector batteries replaced?
Are there carbon monoxide detectors in each unit?
Is the building sprinklered?
Please describe the areas of the risk that are sprinklered.
What type of sprinkler protection does the risk have?
Is there any asbestos in the building? (Including boiler room and pipe insulation)
Are there any lead exposures in the building?
Is the property compliant with all city/state housing codes?
Are there any fuse boxes in the building?
Is all electrical 100 AMP service?
Is there a swimming pool on the property?
Swimming Pool Information
How many pools are on the property?
Are lifeguards employed by you or subcontracted?
Are certificates of insurance provided by the subcontractor?
Are the pools fenced from all apartment units?
What is the height of the fence?
Is there a diving board or slide?
What is the height of the diving board?
Are there depth markers?
Is there a Shepard's hook/ring near the pool?
Is there a self-closing gate to gain access to the pool?
Are there any structures within 10 feet of the edge of the pool?
Are there warning signs and rules posted in a clearly visible area?
Where are the warning signs and rules posted?
Do the lease/rental agreements make any warranties regarding security?
Are leasing agents/employees instructed to advise potential and current tenants to dial 9-1-1 in emergency situations?
On-site Activities
Please select the items that are present on this property. (Check all that apply)
What are the other items/activities that are present on this property?
Please provide a description of all selected items.
Maintenance Information
Is janitorial, lawn care, or snow removal performed by outside contractors or employees?
Is a certificate of insurance provided?
If there are additional/multiple properties, please attach a schedule.
Documents and Comments
Please use this field to upload any relevant insurance documents.
Please enter any additional remarks in the space below.
How did you hear about us?
Please share who referred you to us.
Please share what you typed into Google.
Please share how you heard about us.
Disclaimer: This online questionnaire is a tool used to gather information. It is not an application for insurance. No insurance coverage will be bound or put into effect by submitting this form.
Consumer disclosure: By checking the box below you authorize the Agency who supplied this form to you to contact you via phone, email, and text messaging; to save and share with business partners the information you provided; to obtain consumer reports that may include credit-based reports (where legally allowed), public records, claims history, and driving records so that they can give you accurate insurance quotes.